Levi Switzer
Age: 27
Current Setup: Olive deck 8.6", Fourwheelco 56mm wheels, Independent 159's trucks, Andale Daewon Bearings, Indy Combi Hardware, Mob Grip
Sponsors: Shredz Shop, Olive Skateboards, Fourwheelco, Saxx Underwear, Filtrate Eyewear, Remind Insoles, Andale Bearings, Arts vs Crafts
Most Embarrassing Moment: One time I pooped my pants on a first date with a hottest chick in our high school... the relationship ended a week later.
Favorite Pro Growing Up: Jamie Thomas
First Video Growing Up: Zero "Dying to Live"
Favorite Video Of All Time: The Flip Sorry series
Most Trouble You Got Into Growing Up: My mom told me that when all her kids were young she thought "if any of my sons go to jail, it'll probably be Levi"... Thanks mom haha. I never did, luckily. I never really got into too much trouble for the stuff I did, one time I got a ticket for sledding behind my baby sitters civic on a snow day. One time I got arrested for jumping the fence and skating the Sylvan Lake waterslides.
Last Song You Listened To: The Oil, The Fire by Sean Feucht feat William Matthews
Last Movie You Watched: Lawless
Dream Non-Skate Sponsor: CIR Realty, Free Houses!
Dream Vacation: Motorcycle Japan top to bottom then hit South Korea and NZ
What Would You Eat For Your Last Supper: Sushi. Sushi. Sushi.
Most Grom Thing You've Ever Done: I used to have flameboy grip tape and I would scrub it with gallons of soap and water every week to keep it clean... That deck had pop! Psych!
Wost Purchase: I spent months drooling over the first edition Muska Sky Tops in gold and silver, when they came in I went to buy them and they were out of stock in the city, so I phoned my cousin in Regina to buy them for me... $170 and 1 week shipping later I had em' in my hands, only to be worn 10 times in the last 10 years.
If You Had To Punch One Person In The World In The Face: I get pretty worked up when I see older people bullying and looking down on youth because they think they are stupid or won't amount to much, like those people have lived a perfect life. I feel the urge to sock em once or twice, I never would... but I'd like to.
Life Swap For A Day: I'd life swap with one of Jesus' 12 disciples... how insane would it be to see him and his miracles first hand. If it has to be current time, I would like to be in the shoes of a heavily socially oppressed person to be able to empathize and understand that people group once I switched back. Or.... I would switch with Bill Gates or something and give all my money to charity/to my original body's bank account to change a lot of lives.
Time You Thought You Were Going To Die: In November 2012 I got hit by a car crossing the street. When I was on the stretcher being loaded in the ambulance I asked the Paramedic if I was going to die and all she could say was "You have suffered a very severe head injury". I started balling in that moment because I was so scared I was going to die. (full story http://calgaryskateboarding.com/tag/levi-switzer/)
Website You Check Everyday: Facebook
Thank you: To all who believe in me and support me.