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Powell Peralta Bones Brigade Series 14

Powell Peralta Bones Brigade Series 14

Powell Peralta Bones Brigade Series 14 Skateboards

We're excited to announce that we have the new Powell Peralta x Bones Brigade limited edition series 14 coming soon! This series has been dubbed the blacklight series and features boards for Rodney Mullen, Mike McGil, Tommy Guerrero, Lance Mountain, Tony Hawk, and Steve Caballero. All featuring their iconic VCJ artwork in black and neon colours that will look great under a blacklight.
We have been getting lots of phone calls, DMs and emails asking if we're going to be pre-booking the Series 14 decks. At the moment we are not because Powell Peralta has told us they are not sure on how many numbers they will be giving shops. We don't want to sell anything that hasn't been guaranteed. 
Follow this blog as we will update it here as we know more. Also, sign up for our text and email lists as they will get notified as soon as we know more!


  • Mike Olson

    Super interested in a Lance Mountain when you get one in stock – happy to pre-pay if necessary. Thanks so much!

  • Neil

    Hey there, I’m hoping to get that black light series Tony Hawk. Any idea when it might be in stock? Are you able to put one aside, if I provide a deposit etc?

  • Matt Smelser

    Thanks for the series 14 info! I’ll stay tuned…

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